Tim Rautenberg
Date of binh: 24.12.1968
Matriculation number. 674498
Mr Rautenberg took part in the distanee learning programme
Certified PC Supervisor (SGD)
• approved by the National Ageney for Oistanoe Education •
in the pertod from 27.10.2011 to 16.10.2013.
The Student successfully tock pan in the course of studies and passed
an SGD examination.
The course of studies covered the following areas:
Basics of Information Technology-Operating systems: Windows 7.
DOS within Windows – PC technology, peripheral devices- Basics of
tetecommunication. data transmission and oomputer networks- Setting
up a peer-tcrpeer network-Application software Microsoft Office 2010:
Ward, Excel, Access. PowerPoint – lntroduction Windows-Server- Oata
protection and data sectJrity- Negotiations. time and self managementCase
study: „Pianning a PC system solution“
• The PC • its components
• Communication training
• Windows server administration
The assessed work was awarded the final grade
—– good -··–